Sunday, December 7, 2008

three-dimensional scatter plot

This is a general example of a 3D scatter plot!!!!!

Data Visualization

Data visualization is the term applied to very numerical and computer driven animations of complex processes. Using these kinds of computer visualizations one can "see" behaviors and phonomena not readily visible in the real world (class notes).

Concept Mapping

The example shown in this post is an example of concept mapping. Concept mapping seeks to organize words and ideas into clusters, so we can see a better structure of information.

Similarity Matrix

A similarity matrix is a matrix of scores which express the similarity between two data points (wikipedia).


A histogram displays tabulated frequencies. The example I have chosen is a histogram showing students score on their final exam.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Stem and Leaf Plot

A stem and leaf plot is a display that shows the shape and distribution of a set of data (google).
The above stem and leaf plot shows the infant fatility rates in Western Africa in relation to the number of infant deaths per 1,000 live births.

Star Plots

A star plot allows you to compare multiple variables for each observation (class notes). The above example is a star plot of automobile data. "Each star represents one car model; each ray in the star is proportional to one variable. Only the 8 lightest (top two rows) and 8 heaviest models (bottom two rows) are shown" (