This is a general example of a 3D scatter plot!!!!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Data Visualization
Concept Mapping
Similarity Matrix
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Stem and Leaf Plot
Star Plots
A star plot allows you to compare multiple variables for each observation (class notes). The above example is a star plot of automobile data. "Each star represents one car model; each ray in the star is proportional to one variable. Only the 8 lightest (top two rows) and 8 heaviest models (bottom two rows) are shown" (
Parallel Coordinate Plot
Triangular Plot
A windrose is a circular diagram showing, for a specific location, the percentage of the time the wind is from each compass direction (google define). The wind rose I have chosen as my example is based on time.
Population Profile
A population profile (or population pyramid) is in simplest terms, a chart showing the number of people as a function of their ages (google define). The above chart shows the information gathered after the 2001 census in coventry.
Scatter Plot
"Scatter Plots (also called scatter diagrams) are used to investigate the possible relationship between two variables that both relate to the same "event." A straight line of best fit, using the least squares method, is often included."
The above scatter plot shows the score difference between the SAT and the BETA test.Index Value Plot
The above map is an example of an index value plot map. It displays the average streamflow in the US since 2001.
Accumulated Line Graph
"Accumulative line graphs show how a metric adds up to a total over a period of time (ie- how P/L adds up to Total P/L over a period of time). Accumulative line graphs are useful in showing the cumulation and acceleration (or deceleration) of growth. " The above accumulative line graph shows the accumulation of total profit/loss (y-axis) per day (x-axis).
Bilateral Graph
Line Graph
The above map is a good example of a basic line graph. A line graph is "a graph that uses line segments to show changes in data; the data usually represents a quantity changing over time" (google define). The above line graph shows Dow Jones Industrial Averages from 1985 to 2005. I love line graphs because they are so easy and simple to read.
A pie chart is a circular chart divided into different sections based on information given relating to the subject being studied or researched. For example, a pie chart relating to your time spent during the day might divided into three basic sections: eating, sleeping, and working. Each section's size and color would depend on how much time of of the day (based on a 24-hour time period) was spent on each. I chose the above pie chart because it is unusually shaped but still circular, and I don't like how close the colors chosen for airplanes and buses are.
Range Graded Proportional Circle Maps
Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map
The map above is an example of a continuously variable proportional circle map. It actually is a combination of a chloropleth map as well. While the key is quite small in this picture (and in a different language lol), from looking at this picture, you can tell that the size of each circle relates to a different area in the Czech Republic and each circle is a different size. Their size corresponds with how much that area of Czech Republic consists of in relation to the key.
"Movie Map"
This is a map, not necessarily on the map catalog list, but one we learned about the first chapter into our class. We questioned whether movies could be considered maps and I believe that movies absolutely can be considered a map in one sense or another. I got the idea to look for a Chronicles of Narnia map because I watched a "family movie" last night and we watched the new Narnia movie Prince Caspian. There so much geography and such to this story that Narnia would be a great example of a movie map. Not only are there journeys "trackable" (mapwise), but story lines also in some sense to me can be considered map-like.
A Digital Orthophoto Quarter-Quad map, also referred to as the DOQQ map, is a "digital raster image of an aerial photo mapped by the USGS, specifically a "quarter-quad," or the extent of one fourth of a 7.5-minute quadrangle, often used in GIS applications" (google define). The DOQQ map shown above is a one meter example Washington, DC.
A DEM map, also known as a Digital Elevation Model, is a digital file consisting of terrain elevations for ground positions at regularly-spaced horizontal intervals (google define). The above map is a great model or example for a DEM map. It summarizes the date found at the Hartnett study site, and the color/shading of the different levels of elevation makes the map alot easier to read and easier to distinguish (the different layers).
A digital line graph, commonly known as a DLG, "is digital vector data representing cartographic information. DLGs contain a wide variety of information depicting geographic features (for example, hypsography, hydrography, boundaries, roads, utility lines, etc) ( The above digital line graph displays cartogarphic information gathered at Lake tahoe.
A digital raster graphics map, also known as a DRG map, consists of scanned images of U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps. These scanned image can be used to collect, review, and revise other digital data (
An isopleth is any line on a weather map connecting points with equal values of a particular atmospheric variable; temperature, dew point, etc (google definitions). The example of an isopleth map above shows the date found while researching the chloride ion wet deposition in 2003. This map seems to be a variation of an isopleth map because there is no visible line connecting points with equal values, the numerals are just listed next to their dots.
An Isohyet is a line on a map connecting points that receive equal precipitation. The map shown above is an example of the isohyet map and displays data found while researching the mean annual rainfall is Tasmania.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
"A line drawn on a weather map connecting points of equal pressure is called an isobar. The isobars are generated from mean sea level pressure reports and the pressure values are given in millibars (" This picture shown above is actually an example of parallel isobars.
A lidar uses laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) instead of radio or microwave radiation. Like my last example, this lidar map displays one of the most horrific things to happen in the US. This LIDAR map shows the aftermath of the World Trade Center Terrorist attack. This photo was taken at an altitude of 3,300 feet above ground zero.
Doppler Radar
Doppler radar is a system for measuring speed that is based on the doppler effect. The doppler effect according to google definition is "The observed change in the frequency of sound or electromagnetic waves due to the relative motion of the source and observer." This Doppler radar photo was taken of Hurricane Katrina in the midst of the massive crisis that took place a few years ago =(
Black and White Aerial Photo
The photo pictured above is an example of a black and white aerial photo. Black and white aerial photos are used to distinguish more detail in a picture. This black and white aerial photo is a photo taken of a former train yard also known as the balloon track site.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Infrared Aerial Photo
Infrared aerial photography is a powerful tool that can be used to document changes in the environment, health of wetlands and forests, and even monitor sites contaminated by toxic chemicals ( The above example of infrared aerial photography is a photograph of the Onondaga Lake area. Cartographic Animations
This example of cartographic animation depicts data found after Mt. Saint Helens erupted in 1979. Cartographic animation is used fairly regularly and is a great tool because it helps people better visualize and take in the data they are being shown.
Statistical Maps
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Flow Map
A flow map is a map that aims to show the movement of objects from one location to another. For example the number of people in a migration, the amount of goods being traded, or the number of packets in a network. This map is an example of a traffic flow map, it counts traffic volume on city streets and maintains those records.
Isoline Maps
An isoline map is "a map with continuous lines joining points of the same value such as equal altitude (contour lines) or temperature (isotherms)(" This particular isoline map shows point measurements and surface core locations!
Proportional Circle Map
Choropleth Maps
A choropleth map "is based on predefined areal units, such as states, counties, census tracts, etc" ( This choropleth map shows amount of money spent by overseas residents in 2003.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Dot Distribution map
This map is an example of a dot distribution map. It is a map of Ohio that shows how many military families are scattered across the state, some living many hours away from the closest base. I picked this map because I have some very close friends in the military and they are scattered all over the US and this map of Ohio kind of gives you a little picture of how far apart some families are placed (or distributed) from others.
Propaganda Map
A propaganda map is more or less a way of trying to persuade people to collectively believe in something one way or another. While most propaganda map examples we see today are taken from WWI and WWII, this map is taken from the 2000's. It is a propaganda map displaying the obesity problem in the USA.
Hypsometric Map
This is an example of a hypsometric map. A hypsometric map is a surface map with relief shown. The above map shows the population per square kilometer in Bitola through the use of color and shaping.
A PLSS (Public Land Survey system) is a system that was established in 1785 by the Federal Government. It provided for surveying and describing land by reference to principal meridians and base lines ( This PLSS map is an example of the PLSS system in Franklin County, Alabama. It is used to mainly show townships and ranges.
Cadastral Map
Thematic Map
A thematic map displays selected kinds of information relating to specific themes, such as soil, land use, and population density. This thematic map shows the average soil depth across the Illinois Basin.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Topographic Map
Planimetric Map
Sunday, October 19, 2008
This is a map of hotspots located across south america. I actually found this website with the help of mr. sulik because I had problems using google earth. This KML was created by Fire Information for Resource Management Systems with the help of NASA to pinpoint and deliver "global hotspot/fire locations" to natural resource managers".
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